Spelling and Writing Resources and Programs at Home
SPELD NSW has brought together a collection of the programs, apps, games and resources that we like to use with students with spelling and written expression difficulties for you to use at home.

Online Programs and Apps
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Spelling and Written Expression Programs
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Games and Activities
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Online Programs and Apps
These online programs and apps allow students to practice the some of the phonic, spelling and writing skills that they are being taught at school or in tutoring or intervention. They are a great tool for families who are looking for extra practice to allow their students to consolidate their spelling and written expression skills.
Age: 6 to 11
Targets: Reading and Spelling
Nessy is an engaging suite of online programs suitable for primary school aged children. 100 lessons with videos, online activities and printable worksheets. Introduces letter-sound relationships and blending and segmenting to read and spell in a systematic and sequential manner.
There are also a number of Nessy Apps available that target some of the individual reading and spelling skills that are appropriate for younger students.
There is a free trial available for the Nessy Reading and Spelling Program.
Age: 7 to 11
Targets: Written Expression
Nessy’s Writing Beach online program contains 10 different lessons targeting different aspect of grammar, punctuation and written expression.
Age: 5 to 11
Targets: Reading and Spelling
Reading Doctor is an online phonics program designed by an Australian speech pathologist. The program allows students to practice letter sound knowledge, blending to read, spelling, irregular words and word building. Reading Doctor can be used to support systematic, synthetic phonics instruction and provide students with much needed opportunities for practice.
A series of Reading Doctor Apps are also available that targets some of the same reading and spelling skills.
A 14 day free trial is available for the Reading Doctor Program.
Spelling and Written Expression Programs
Intervention for students who are having spelling and written expression difficulties can be complex as it requires targeting the different skills necessary for writing. These skills should be addressed in a structured, explicit and systematic way to give students enough practice to be able to use them in their writing. Students may need additional instruction and practice in spelling, handwriting, punctuation and grammar, and the structural components of writing such as different sentence types, paragraphs, and types of texts.
Age: 7 to adult
Targets: Reading and Spelling
The Word Wasp and Hornet Literacy Primer are small blue books that can be used by students who are struggling to develop literacy. They are low-cost options that can be used by anyone and you don’t need to be a teacher or a professional. Word Wasp focuses on reading and spelling. All the instructions you need to use the programs are provided in the books.
A downloadable program selection test is available for Word Wasp, as well as video examples and sample pages are available online to assist you in considering the program.
Age: 6 to adult
Targets: Written Expression
Banter Speech & Language has produced an explicit written expression program for students with written expression and language difficulties.
The program has 6 levels starting with sentence writing skills. Each level must be purchased separately.
Age: 6 to adult
Targets: Spelling
Spelling Mastery is Direct Instruction spelling program supported by research which includes phonemic, morphemic and whole word spelling instruction. Spelling Mastery can be used as part of classroom instruction or as an intervention.
Spelling Mastery has 6 levels. Lessons scripted and the program addresses spelling skills appropriate for grades 1-6. Lessons should be delivered daily for 15-20 minutes.
Spelling Through Morphographs is a remedial Direct Instruction spelling program designed to support older students to catch up on key spelling skills with a focus on morphology and a small set of spelling rules. Spelling Through Morphographs has 1 level and lessons are scripted. The program addresses spelling skills appropriate for grade 4 and beyond. Lessons should be delivered daily for 15-20 minutes.
Teacher handbooks and student workbooks are required to provide Spelling Mastery and Spelling through Morphographs and so can be expensive. Both programs have free placement tests to determine where the student should start.
Age: 5 to adult
Targets: Reading and Spelling
Barton Reading and Spelling is designed to be used at home by parents (it is also used by schools and tutors). With multiple levels, students use pencil and paper and the provided letter tiles to complete each lesson. It’s a comprehensive and structured program based on an Orton-Gillingham approach. Lessons are fully scripted and parents are provided with training videos to assist with the delivery of the program. The full program would take a number of years to complete.
The program is American so some spelling needs to be adapted. Each level needs to be purchased separately and so can be expensive. Levels can also be purchased and sold second-hand.
Games and Activities
These literacy games and activities are a great resource for practicing fundamental spelling and written expression skills.
SPELD NSW sells a range of literacy games and resources. Visit our Bookshop to view the range. Check out games and activities from Dandelion Readers, Little Learners Love Literacy, Spelfabet and Junior Learning.
SPELD NSW members can access a huge collection of phonics and morphology activities, resources and games through our Members’ Resources Hub that families can use with students working on developing their phonics and morphology skills!
Alison Clarke is a highly respected speech pathologist from Melbourne who has a blog and many resources online. The Spelfabet website has a range of free and low cost games and activities that you can download for students requiring extra phonics practice. The Spelfabet website has a Where to Start which offers suggestions for different age groups from preschoolers to adults.
Dyslexia SPELD Foundation of WA has made available a free Phonics Activity Pack and Morpheme Activity Pack and Talk for Writing Home-School Booklets for families to use at home.
SPELD NSW recommends, if possible, that students with literacy or numeracy difficulties work with experienced learning support teachers and/or specialist tutors. SPELD NSW maintains a Referral Database of specialist tutors and allied health professionals. Families can contact our InfoLine for a referral to a tutor. These tutors have training and experience in learning difficulties and evidence-based literacy or numeracy instruction which enables them to provide tailored instructions that meet the complex needs of individual students.
Parents or family members can provide students intervention or additional practice of fundamental literacy or numeracy skills if access to specialist support is not available. There are a number of programs and resources that can be used by parents or family members in the home environment. They do not require specialist training and can come with explicit instructions on how to use them. We have included a number of these programs and resources on this page. Please be aware that not all programs will work for all students and no one program will cover all aspects of literacy or numeracy instruction.