SPELD SA Decodable Readers - SPELD NSW Online Store

Supporting children and adults with specific learning difficulties

SPELD SA Decodable Readers

SPELD SA Decodable Readers (Jolly Phonics Sequence)

SPELD SA Decodable Reader Book Pack (Jolly Phonics Sequence)

This Book Pack contains all of the titles in the SPELD SA Decodable Book Series.  The readers can be used in reading groups or as take home readers.

  • Set 1 (10 books): s a t p i n
  • Set 2 (10 books): c k ck e h r m d
  • Set 3 (10 books): g o u l f b
  • Set 4 (10 books): ai j oa ie ee
  • Set 5 (10 books): z w ng v oo
  • Set 6 (10 books): y x sh ch th
  • Set 7 (10 books): qu ou oi ue er ar
  • Set 8 (10 books): y (sunny), a (apron), a-e (cake), e (female), e-e (eve), i (silent), i-e (kite), o (open), o-e (home), u (student), u-e (tune)
  • Set 9 (10 books):  ay (play), ey (they), oy (toy), y (mystery), ea (dream), ie (chief), y (dry), igh (night)
  • Set 10 (10 books): oe (toe), ow (rainbow), ow (now), ir (bird), ur (turn), ew (few), au (launch), aw (paw), al (talk)

When selecting your pack you can choose a pack with one, four or six copies of each set of readers.  SPELD NSW Members receive discounts at the online store.

NEW SPELD SA Phonic Books Series (Sounds-Write sequence)

Sample Pack

Contact us to request a decodable reader sample pack for your school

Member Discounts

SPELD NSW Members get discounts at the Bookshop


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