Intervention and Catchup Resources - SPELD NSW Online Store

Supporting children and adults with specific learning difficulties

Intervention and Catchup Resources

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Intervention and Catch-Up resources to support older students who are developing their reading skills

Are you looking for Intervention and Catchup Resources for older readers? SPELD NSW sells a selection of resources in our online shops specifically for older students.  These are great resources for classrooms and learning support teams.

Dandelion Catch-up Readers and Resources

Catchup Decodable Readers Classroom Packs

Fresh Start Anthologies

Little Learners Love Literacy Fox Kids

Forward with Phonics

Toe by Toe & Word Wasp

Assessment Tools

Sound Out Non-Fiction Decodable Readers

Sample Pack

Contact us to request a decodable reader sample pack for your school

Member Discounts

SPELD NSW Members get discounts at the Bookshop


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ORder Form

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