Lee is a mother of two teenage boys, the oldest of whom has dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. After teaching in schools for more than 15 years and filled with a desire to provide support to children like hers, she embarked on a journey to learn about evidence-based literacy instruction for students with learning difficulties. Lee established a successful private practice in early 2016, an intervention setting that specialises in supporting students (and their families) with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD and other related learning differences.
She is a firm believer in individualised, targeted programming and has a passion for empowering students to utilise assistive technology. Lee also provides intervention Australia-wide using Zoom, has developed and delivered Professional Learning courses for classroom teachers and support staff, and has created resources to accompany leading decodable text schemes.
She has been a professional Member of SPELD NSW since 2017 and loves the fact that her roles with SPELD allow her to provide personalised support to children and their families, while also giving her the opportunity to provide valuable information to teachers and school executives.